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Water Development Board

A Review of Hidalgo County's Enforcement of Model Subdivision Rules - Phase II

November 1998

Report Number 99-013

Overall Conclusion

At the request of the Texas Water Development Board, we reviewed the status of water and wastewater services in Hidalgo County subdivisions approved from 1991 to 1994. The results of this review, when combined with the results of our earlier review of subdivisions approved from 1995 to 1997, establish that in subdivisions approved since the adoption of the Model Subdivision Rules:

  • Hidalgo County accurately reported conditions in these subdivisions.
  • There are relatively few cases overall where occupied dwellings lack water meters and sewer or septic services.
  • Although most lots in these subdivisions were sold without water meters and septic tanks or financial guarantees for the purchase of these devices, residents generally obtain the necessary permits and service for themselves as dwellings are constructed on these lots.
  • As subdivisions are built out, the number of violations of the Model Rules appears to decrease.


As noted above, in subdivisions approved since the adoption of the Model Rules, there are relatively few cases where occupied dwellings have substandard water and wastewater services. Nevertheless, a cautionary note must be sounded. Any violations, regardless of how few in number, represent a threat to the health and safety of County residents. It is important for the County to maintain the vigilance and level of effort it has exhibited over the last several months to ensure that all violations of the Model Rules are quickly detected and corrected.

Key Facts and Findings

The County has adopted a number of recommendations from our earlier review and has taken initiative to strengthen its monitoring and enforcement procedures. Examples of improvements completed or underway include:

  • Amending Hidalgo County Subdivision Rules to more clearly specify responsibilities for installing water and wastewater facilities, or providing financial guarantees for same.
  • Establishing a Subdivision Advisory Board to independently review subdivision applications and advise the Commissioners' Court regarding approval of subdivision plats.
  • Hiring more inspection staff members and upgrading the training program for inspectors.
  • Conducting workshops for developers and other interested parties regarding Hidalgo County Subdivision Rules and platting requirements.
  • Working with the Appraisal District to develop an automated system for tracking permits.

We encourage the County to continue these efforts, with particular attention paid to:

  • Establishing a risk-based monitoring system to focus more of its inspection and enforcement efforts on areas with a history of compliance problems.
  • Automating the septic permit records and tracking these records by subdivision and lot rather than by lot owner.

Once the above improvements are fully implemented, the County will have better tools to ensure compliance with the Model Rules and will also have needed data with which to demonstrate the effectiveness of its monitoring and enforcement efforts.

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