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Texas Woman's University

An Audit Report on Management Controls at Texas Woman's University

August 1998

Report Number 98-066

Overall Conclusion

In our review of business processes at Texas Woman's University (University), we identified no mission-critical problems. We did, however, find areas that management should address. Improvement in the areas can help management maintain an environment that protects state resources and helps it achieve its goals.

Key Facts and Findings

  • Internal Financial Reporting
  • - Management and the Board of Regents do not have all the necessary information to make well-informed financial decisions. Financial operations have not been run as effectively as possible due to the lack of timely, reliable information.
  • Student Loans
  • - Management does not actively manage the $4.8 million in student loans owed to the University. This increases the risk of not maximizing the collection of these funds, which are a source of loans to future students.
  • HUB Program Requirements
  • - The University has not complied with the letter or the spirit of all Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) requirements. Marketing and outreach efforts are not sufficient. Also, no one is formally responsible for HUB coordination on campus, and written policies and procedures do not exist.
  • Personnel Processes
  • - Improvements are needed in planning for long-term staffing needs, monitoring personnel files, and other areas. Personnel expenditures totaled $45.2 million in fiscal year 1997.

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