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Comptroller of Public Accounts

A Review of the Integrated Statewide Administrative System

December 1997

Report Number 98-008

Overall Conclusion

Without proper management of the procurement and implementation of the Integrated Statewide Administrative System (ISAS) by all affected agencies, the State may pay more than necessary. Extra costs could be incurred if statewide benefits cited by the office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts (Comptroller) are not realized. These benefits are (1) the sharing of license costs among agencies with fewer than 500 employees, which would be achieved through the establishment of a central service bureau, and (2) reduced license fees based on the number of ISAS modules purchased.

ISAS is a new financial management system designed to provide features that the Uniform Statewide Accounting System does not provide, including additional functionality and increased user control over reporting.

Key Facts and Findings

The Comptroller's office should facilitate the review and analysis of statewide cost savings available from interagency cooperation such as the establishment of a central service bureau.

Agencies are encouraged to interact with other potential ISAS users to determine the feasibility and desirability of ISAS partnerships.

Agencies should perform a comprehensive feasibility study when assessing their need for an internal financial management system. The discount offered to agencies for purchasing a large number of ISAS modules may lead some agencies to buy the system without conducting comprehensive feasibility studies.

Project management controls are strong at the Comptroller's office. The Comptroller's office should continue to work with agencies to determine its roles and responsibilities regarding ISAS support. Additionally, the Comptroller's office should document and require sign-off from the vendor on a transition plan to assist in a smooth transition from vendor support of ISAS to maintenance by the Comptroller's office.

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