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Health and Human Services Commission

A Combined Report on the Health and Human Services Commission

September 1997

Report Number 98-001

Overall Conclusion

The State's expectations for increased effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery in health and human services programs and activities have not yet been realized. The Health and Human Services Commission (Commission) has not effectively carried out its responsibilities as prescribed by House Bill 7, House Bill 7 amending legislation, and General Appropriations Act riders.

Key Facts And Findings

The Commission should develop an action plan by November 1, 1997, which will describe in detail how specific concerns noted during the review will be resolved.

The plan, at a minimum, should address the following:

- Current status of all applicable legislative requirements
- Time line for implementation
- List of all parties that will have responsibility for implementing each of these requirements
- Impediments (if any) to successful implementation
- Steps required to overcome these impediments
- Fiscal impact for implementation of each of these requirements

The Health and Human Services Commission has made progress in addressing operational issues raised in a prior management control review. We recommend that the Commission ensure that issues still pending are resolved effectively and within reasonable time frames.

All three of the selected fiscal year 1996 performance measures at the Health and Human Services Commission were certified.

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