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Texas Rehabilitation Commission

Texas Rehabilitation Commission - Effectiveness of Internal Audit Engagement

Report Number 97-355

June 1997

Overall Conclusion

The Internal Audit Department (Department) of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission (Commission) is effective because:

    The Board of Directors (Board) and executive management believe that the internal audit function is effective.

    The Department is perceived as assisting management in the discharge of its duties and responsibilities.

    Department staff members are perceived as professional, independent, and objective; and they perform adequately.

    The Department met minimum requirements in all eight effectiveness criteria developed from the Texas Internal Auditing Act.

However, we identified improvements that could be made in one effectiveness criteria to improve compliance.

In fiscal year 1996, the Department employed 18 auditors and four support staff to provide audit coverage for Commission activities. The Commission is responsible for an operating budget of $250 million, with more than $121 million in contract expenditures; the Commission has about 2,468 employees.

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