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Texas Department of Human Services

Texas Department of Human Services - Effectiveness of Internal Audit Engagement

Report Number 97-354

June 1997

Overall Conclusion

The Internal Audit Department (Internal Audit) of the Texas Department of Human Services (Department) is effective:

    Internal Audit assists members of the organization in the discharge of their responsibilities.

    Internal Audit provides analyses of the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems, policies, procedures, and departmental performance.

    Auditees perceive Internal Audit staff to be qualified professionals, providing logical, understandable, useful recommendations.

    Internal Audit meets all eight of the effectiveness criteria developed from the Texas Internal Auditing Act.

Internal Audit employs seven auditors to provide audit coverage for the activities of the Department. The Department is responsible for an operating budget of $ 3.2 billion, which includes more than $ 2.8 billion in contract expenditures, providing about $2.8 billion in revenues, and employing more than 18,100 employees.

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