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Southwest Texas State University

Follow-Up on Recommendations from an Audit of Management Controls at Southwest Texas State University

January 1997

Report Number 97-033

Southwest Texas State University (University) management has taken a number of significant actions to address recommendations contained in An Audit Report on Management Controls at Southwest Texas State University (SAO Report No. 96-057, March 1996). During our follow-up review, we identified other actions management should consider to further improve specific processes or to more fully address the recommendations in the above report. These additional actions pertain to athletics, decision-making, and fixed assets and inventory issues. This follow-up report, requested by the House Interim Committee on Higher Education, Subcommittee on Fees and Oversight, summarizes the status of significant actions and our additional recommendations as of December 1996. Additional detail is available upon request.

At this point it is difficult to assess the long-term effectiveness of the actions management has taken. Several initiatives, such as those related to the strategic planning and human resources issues, will not be fully implemented until well into the next fiscal year. The acquisition of real estate, which would enable us to test adherence to the new related acquisition policy, has not occurred since the recent implementation of the policy. Meanwhile, management needs to continue the high level of commitment to its action plans.

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