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Texas A&M University System: Administrative and General Offices

An Executive Summary of Management Controls at Texas A&M University System Research and Service Agencies

May 1996

Report Number 96-064

Overall Conclusion

The Texas A&M University System research and service agencies have taken significant steps to effectively accomplish their missions. However, management controls can be improved at seven of the eight research and service agencies. Recommendations to improve controls are most significant at the Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Extension Service, Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, Forest Service, and Engineering Experiment Station.

Key Facts And Findings

The System Administrative and General Offices should review the effectiveness and efficiency of similar operations within the System. Such review may lead to improvements in efficiency and consolidation through reorganization. Potential cost savings opportunities through reorganization totaling over $6 million in four years for the System were identified.

Opportunities exist for the System to improve information systems used by persons with oversight authority. The accuracy and reliability of financial information can be improved and the use of performance information should be expanded.

Controls over cash receipts and accounts receivable should be improved at four System agencies: Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, Agricultural Extension Service, Engineering Extension Service, and Agricultural Experiment Station.

Control weaknesses were noted at research and extension centers located outside of College Station in the following agencies: Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Extension Service, Forest Service, and Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory.

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