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Multiple Agencies

An Audit on Community and Technical Colleges Enrollment Reporting

April 2000

Report No.00-027

Overall Conclusion

Self-reported errors and audit findings do not exceed 2 percent allowable error rate allowed by current legislation. All but one college had an error rate well below 1 percent. The audit findings and the colleges' self-reported errors totaled $1,935,932 in overstatements and $98,767 in understatements.

Key Facts and Findings

  • The 46 colleges that self-reported errors were below the 2 percent tolerance amount; 11 colleges (19 percent) reported that they had no enrollment data reporting errors. Although errors were identified as a result of our audit testing, none of these errors, even when combined with the colleges' self-reported errors, exceeded the allowable 2 percent tolerance limit.

  • 29 under-funded colleges will receive a prorated adjustment of approximately 35 cents on the dollar as a result of redistributing monies previously awarded to eleven colleges who had overestimated their Spring 1999 semester contact hours.

  • Since 1997 the Legislature has allowed colleges a maximum reporting error rate of 2 percent of their biennial appropriations. As a result, the State Auditor's Office selects only a sample of colleges for testing based on an assessment of risk. This year, 6 of the 57 community and technical colleges were selected for testing.

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