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Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board

An Audit Report on The Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board

February 2000

Report Number 00-010

Overall Conclusion

The Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board (Agency) may spend $1.5 billion without developing "a world class telecommunications infrastructure that benefits all Texas" as charged by the 76th Legislature. The Agency has distributed approximately 25 percent ($382 million) of its fund without adequately identifying Texas' telecommunication needs, effectively collaborating with other agencies, or developing written procedures for its day-to-day operations. To provide a vital and sustainable infrastructure that connects the citizens of the State, the Agency will need to broaden its focus from funding basic connections to funding more of the advanced projects allowed by its enabling legislation.

While it is essential, equipment alone does not create an effective telecommunications system. By effectively collaborating with other state agencies and assessing needs, the Agency could identify which other elements are needed for Texans to fully utilize the equipment, such as training, software, technical support, and plans for long-term sustainability. The Agency has responded by stating its current and future actions to address the issues and by providing more information on certain points.

Key Facts and Findings

  • Develop a strategic plan and related processes that (1) identify Texas' telecommunication needs, (2) determine and track measurable objectives, (3) specify inter-agency collaboration, and (4) report information that more fully conveys the Agency's progress.

  • Strengthen board governance by developing bylaws, policies, and procedures that ensure effective board operation and full communication between the board and the agency.

  • Develop policies and procedures for all aspects of day-to-day operations, including grants administration, to ensure that the agency functions as management intends.

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