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Multiple Agencies

An Audit Report on Revenue Processing at Four State Agencies

November 1999

Report Number 00-005

Overall Conclusion

The four agencies we reviewed do a good job of collecting revenue designated for and necessary to provide government services. Revenue collections are well controlled, and the agencies actively work to improve processes and maximize collections.

Key Facts and Findings

The Department of Public Safety's (Department) revenue collection processes are generally well designed. There are some opportunities to streamline processes to help the Department comply with the three-day deposit statute.

The Natural Resource Conservation Commission's (Commission) approach to revenue management demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that it fulfills its revenue collecting responsibilities.

The Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation actively works to ensure that it collects the revenues due to it. A multi-tiered monitoring and review process helps to ensure that expectations are met and opportunities for improvement are identified.

The Department of Criminal Justice's (Department) revenue processing functions are operating effectively.

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