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An Audit Report on Dual Credit Programs at Selected Public School Districts and Higher Education Institutions

September 2010

Report Number 11-006

Overall Conclusion

All selected community colleges' and corresponding independent school districts' (ISDs) dual credit programs fully or substantially complied with most state requirements, as well as with the applicable community colleges' and ISDs' policies and procedures.

Ten of the 12 community colleges reviewed fully or substantially complied with all requirements related to ensuring that students met minimum test scores and completed prerequisite courses to enroll in dual credit courses. Eight of the 12 community colleges reviewed fully or substantially complied with all requirements related to ensuring that all dual credit teachers met the requirements to teach dual credit courses and were approved prior to the courses' start dates.

However, 10 of the 12 community colleges reviewed should improve their monitoring and evaluation of dual credit courses and/or teachers. In addition, 8 of the 12 community colleges should improve their contract agreements for dual credit programs with at least one ISD tested to ensure that the contract agreements include all of the elements required by the Texas Administrative Code and are signed by representatives of both the community college and ISD prior to the offering of dual credit courses.

To determine the dual credit programs' compliance with state rules and regulations and community college and ISD policies and procedures, auditors tested compliance in five general areas. Those areas were:

- Student eligibility.

- Teacher requirements.

- Monitoring and evaluation.

- Contract agreements.

- Policies and procedures.

Auditors also identified other less significant issues that were communicated separately in writing to each community college reviewed.

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