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Texas Historical Commission

Texas Historical Commission Classification Audit

Report Number 97-707

May 1997

Overall Conclusion

The Texas Historical Commission (Commission) has a 79 percent rate of compliance with the Position Classification Plan (Plan). Nineteen positions are misclassified. Of the positions misclassified, 16 are in the incorrect series and 3 are at the incorrect level within the series. Compliance with the Plan is necessary to ensure state employees are properly compensated in relation to the Plan itself, as well as in relation to other state employees.

Key Facts and Findings

The Commission has a very decentralized structure with little coordination of administrative functions. This results in inconsistent salary administration across divisions.

The Commission lacks formal guidelines differentiating the levels of classification series, which would assist in ensuring consistent salary administration.

Inconsistencies exist in the classification of administrative support positions across divisions. The Commission should conduct an agencywide job analysis of these positions to determine the correct classification and to ensure consistency in pay among divisions.

Nineteen positions at the Commission are misclassified.

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